⛏ All-Star Junior Finds Nickel Cobalt in Romania

PLUS: France Goes All-In On Nuclear

Greetings Contrarian,

This is The Next Big Rush, your daily drop of mining/energy investing news. Where we come together and wonder where the week went.

Here are the highlights:

✅ All-Star Junior Finds Nickel Cobalt in Romania

✅ Fireweed Hits Again

✅ France Goes All-In On Nuclear

😎 All-Star Junior Finds Nickel Cobalt in Romania

This is a brownfield site which was a uranium mine back in the Soviet days, and since those guys were hell bent of having enough uranium to take out the west several thousand times over, all the other goodies in the ground were ignored.

Now, a dream team of the who’s who in mining is coming together to revive and rediscover this project.

Watch the video to find out more:

The Company's local geology team will be able to map and sample the mineralized zones following the installation of ventilation. Watch. This. Space.

👌🏼 Fireweed Hits Again


  • Hole NB22-023 intersected 298 m of 4.5% zinc, 1.4% lead, and 30.9 g/t silver including a new zone of stratiform mineralization grading 24.5% zinc, 15.1% lead, and 323.2 g/t silver over 9.6 m.

  • Hole NB22-022 intersected 226.8 m of 5.7% zinc, 0.6% lead, and 21.6 g/t silver including an intersection within the new stratiform zone of 9.3 m grading 16.6% zinc, 4.4% lead, and 143.1 g/t silver.

  • Hole NB22-017 intersected 60.5 m of 12.0% zinc and 21.9 g/t silver starting within 20 m from surface, including 6.2 m of 40.1% zinc, and 84.2 g/t silver.

  • Hole NB22-012 intersected 174.7 m of 3.0% zinc, and 7.9 g/t silver, including 32.2 m of 6.4% zinc, and 11.2 g/t silver.

Let’s. Go. Brandon.

☢️ France Goes All-In On Nuclear. Again.

Macron argues that this will help end France's reliance on fossil fuels and make the country carbon-neutral by 2050. In a speech in Belfort, Macron praised France's technological prowess and said the rebirth of the nuclear industry was what the country needed. However, attempts to build new-generation reactors to replace older models have been mired in cost overruns and delays.

He announced that French nuclear regulators were "unequalled" in their rigour and professionalism and that the decision to build new nuclear power plants was a "choice of progress, a choice of confidence in science and technology." We are nodding in agreement, just wondering what took them so long to see what’s been right under their noses for decades.

He also promised to accelerate the development of solar and offshore wind power and to extend the lives of all existing French nuclear plants where it was safe to do so.

The announcement comes at a difficult time for EDF, the state-controlled energy provider, which faces delays and budget overruns on new nuclear plants in France and Britain and corrosion problems in some of its aging reactors. Macron announced the construction of at least six new reactors by EDF by 2050, with an option for another eight.

Meme of The Day

Are we green today? Of course not.

The Editor

DISCLAIMER: None of this is financial advice. This newsletter is strictly educational and is not investment advice or a solicitation to buy or sell any assets or to make any financial decisions. Please be careful and do your own research.


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