⛏ The Amazing Athabasca Story

Greetings Contrarian,

This is The Next Big Rush, your daily drop of mining / energy news. Where we come together and tell you the WEIRDEST mining stories.

So you already know that Saturday’s are sometimes dedicated to horror stories in the sector, but we also like to tell you the good stories, because let’s face it, when things go well in this business, they go really really well.

Today, instead of completely ripping off Justin Hayek’s thread and claiming it as ours (since we do have a conscience and actually do business with Justin), we’re going to link it up.

Wanna hear the CRAZY story of how the Athabasca Basin was discovered? Check this one out:

The Editor,

P.S. Justin is our rockstar broker at PI. We’re pretty sure he’s got enough clients but if you are looking for a super well-connected full-service broker in Vancouver, here’s your guy. Hit reply and we might be able to hook you up.

P.S. If you like this story, please send it to a friend, and let them know they can sign up here:

DISCLAIMER: None of this is financial advice. This newsletter is strictly educational/entertainment and is not investment advice or solicitation to buy or sell any assets or to make any financial decisions. Please be careful and do your own research.

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