⛏ China Halts Coal Mining

PLUS: Pierre Lassonde To The Rescue

Greetings Contrarian,

This is The Next Big Rush, your daily drop of mining/energy investing news. Where we come together and brace for a green day in uranium land (check the stocks).

Here are the highlights:

👉🏼 Chile Swings Right

😲 Pierre Lassonde To The Rescue

🚨 China Halts Coal Mining

👀 Tuesday Quickies

👉🏼 Chile Swings Right

President Gabriel Boric's left-leaning Unidad de Chile coalition won a third of the seats, which is not enough to block proposals.

The result raises the risk of another failed charter-writing exercise, which may extend investment uncertainty.

The success of the new constitution may depend on the center-right's willingness to ensure that moderate left-wing views are incorporated.

Congress has approved 12 minimum constitutional requirements that must be respected, and the newly elected constitutional council will use a draft prepared by a technical committee of 14 constitutionalists as the basis for its deliberations.

Uh-oh, this might actually be good for us for a change.

😲 Pierre Lassonde To The Rescue

The Swiss mining and commodities trading house has been rebuffed twice by Teck's board and said it may take an offer directly to the company's shareholders.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and several Canadian ministers have raised concerns over a foreign company buying Teck, stressing its importance to the domestic critical-minerals industry.

Mr. Lassonde is buddy-buddy with Teck “controlling” shareholder of Teck, Norman Keevil, so this move is entirely a defensive one by the Canadian miner.

Shots fired! Will this ever end?

🚨 China Halts Coal Mining

The closure of the mines was prompted by increased safety checks after a major accident in February which killed at least five people.

The move is expected to tighten coking coal supplies but is unlikely to have a significant impact on thermal coal due to sufficient supply in the broader Asian market.

The number of accidents in China’s coal mines doubled between 2021 and 2022, with fatalities reaching a six-year high of 245.

👀 Tuesday Quickies

🤣 Meme of The Day

Happy Speculating!

The Editor

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