⛏️ Reefton Finds

PLUS: Cariboo Kaboom

👷‍♀️ Greetings Contrarian!

This is The Next Big Rush, your daily drop of mining and energy investing news. Where we come together and do the grocery shopping at the supermarket. 🛒

📝 Here are the highlights

🧐 Reefton Finds

😉 Cariboo Kaboom

🐦 Minerals Buy Peace?

📌 Daily Commodity Prices

Source: TradingEconomics and Numerco.

🧐 Reefton Finds

Rua Gold Inc. (TSXV: RUA; OTCQB: NZAUF) reports gold-antimony assay results from its Auld Creek project within the Reefton Goldfield, South Island, New Zealand.


  • 12 metres of 12.2 g/t AuEq (1.9 g/t Au, 2.4% Sb) from 105 metres, including 2 metres of 54.8 g/t AuEq (3.8 g/t Au, 11.9% Sb).

  • 8 metres of 13.2 g/t AuEq (2.2 g/t Au, 2.2% Sb) from 106 metres, including 3 metres of 33.2 g/t AuEq (3.6 g/t Au, 6.9% Sb).

The team claims these results affirm Rua Gold as New Zealand’s top antimony resource holder. They’re focused on expanding their gold and antimony inventory at Reefton, with both metals at record prices and now listed as critical minerals.

😉 Cariboo Kaboom

Golden Cariboo Resources (CSE: GCC; OTC: GCCFF) reports new drill results at the Quesnelle Gold Quartz Mine Property in British Columbia, Canada.


  • 237 metres of 0.99 g/t gold and 9.8 g/t silver, including 137 metres of 1.45 g/t gold, within a broader 342 metres of 0.71 g/t gold.

  • 11.95 metres of 7.36 g/t gold and 164.95 g/t silver and 4.29 metres of 16.35 g/t gold and 9.09 g/t silver.

Golden reports identifying Greenstone contacts—key hosts for top global gold camps—just 4 kilometres from a major highway and community in central British Columbia.

We like what we see, but what’s next?

📰 In Other News

🐦 Minerals Buy Peace?

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The Editor

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