⛏ Do This ONE Thing For More Profits

Greetings Contrarian,

This is The Next Big Rush, your daily drop of mining / energy news. Where we come together and expand our network to expand our net worth.

Alright, since today is Saturday and The Editor is only half sober after 2 days of meeting fellow investors and speakers at the Deutsche Goldmess in Frankfurt, we’re writing a piece on why you should come out to one of these events.

The reason why you should come to live events and meet the people behind your investments is actually quite simple: this is a very primitive, human-reliant industry.

You see, when you meet companies in person, you’re not only judging what the company tells you, with their polished pitch and presentation, but you’re getting to make a fallible but necessary judgment if the man/woman you’re handing your hard-earned money to is going to be a good steward of it.

Put simply, you hear the gossip, the opinions, and the reasons to kill an idea quite quickly as you get to talk to seasoned investors or other CEOs. In short, all the stuff that ISN’T featured in the slick presentations are brought to light through good ol’ human contact.

The cream naturally rises to the top when you get to MEET THE PEOPLE. And eventually, as you become more experienced and your network is strengthened, you’ll be the first (OK, maybe third but that’s not bad) to hear about good deals.

Some companies I thought had a lot of potential had their weaknesses exposed by meeting other CEOs. Some have become stronger and more obvious.

If you’re in Europe, go to the Deutsche Goldmess in Germany or Mines and Money in London.

If you’re in America, go to PDAC, or VRIC, Metals Investor Forum, BMO Conference, etc. If you want to capitalize on the mining industry as we’re potentially entering the bull market of our lifetime, get your hands dirty. I promise you it’ll pay off.

And if you want to know how this weekend was in Frankfurt, subscribe to the channel and check out the videos they’ll be posting soon:

Have fun out there, you’ll wish you would have bought more!

The Editor,

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DISCLAIMER: None of this is financial advice. This newsletter is strictly educational/entertainment and is not investment advice or a solicitation to buy or sell any assets or to make any financial decisions. Please be careful and do your own research.


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