⛏ These Are True Multi-baggers

Greetings Contrarian,

A couple of Sundays ago, we asked you about wild returns you had in this crazy market that is junior mining.

Well well well… and you guys delivered. 📝

So today, instead of answering one of your pressing questions, we’re going to go ahead and feature a couple of stories of speculators just like yourself that have really paid off – quite literally.

We asked: “What was YOUR best mining investing story?”

  • What stock was it?

  • What commodity?

  • How much of a return did you make?

Here are the best stories:

First and only 10 bagger was when I followed Rick Rule into Ivanhoe for USD .77 in 2016 and recently here in 2023 cashed out at 8.29 per share. Would have loved to hold on to that one for the long haul, but needed to take the gains off the table. May jump back in at some point in the future, but that turned a $10,000 investment into about $107,000. Almost makes up for all the crazy losses I've taken in the sector, but not quite!


I actually did my own DD. Hunting for a possible lithium target in USA for Tesla. After many hours of research i figured I’d put $1000 on Piedmont lithium. 4.5 weeks later the deal was announced. It was pretty illiquid and a bunch of Tesla fanboys put in market orders. I sold some at $35 and most above $40. Last at 47 irr. My first multiple on my own homework.


Hi Fabi. One of my recent wins that I like is the buying of 100 k shares of GLO.TO at .50 cents Cdn. Not sure where it will end up but I suspect at least a 20 bagger.


Hi, well during the last Uranium cycle about 16 years ago and I forget the exact dates there was a company called URAMIN listed on the London exchange and they interlisted here in Canada on the Toronto exchange. At the time most of the better Canadian companies with proven deposits were trading at about 17 a pound for their proven uranium in the ground. URAMIN ticker UMN had 200 million pounds of Uranium and 200 million shares outstanding. Their deposit was in Africa. They started trading on the Toronto and I began my research on them. At first I thought there was something wrong because they were trading at 1.86 which is the price I paid when I bought. So it was trading at 1.86 a pound for proven uranium in the ground when the others were at about 17 a pound but had higher grades than Uramin. So I loaded up and it sat there for about two weeks or more then it took off. It got taken out by another company at around 8 dollars a share if I remember correctly. So it sold for about 8 dollars a pound for it's proven uranium in the ground. I owned 50,000 shares of it so did quite nicely with a 6 dollar gain making about 300,000 of the stock and slowly selling small amounts on the way up till it got taken out.


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Happy speculating (responsibly),

The Editor

DISCLAIMER: None of this is financial advice. This newsletter is strictly educational/entertainment and is not investment advice or solicitation to buy or sell any assets or to make any financial decisions. Please be careful and do your own research.


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