⛏ Uranium: Is it too late?

Greetings Contrarian,

Here it is, your most pressing question for this wonderful half-summer, half-something-else Sunday.

If I had to say this is the simplest of terms, I’d be tempted to say: don’t do it.

Yes, I know I’ve become somewhat well known in the industry through the TNBR Youtube and X (former Twitter) accounts while pounding the table on uranium for years, but my blanket statement for ANY type of FOMO trade is typically no.

This is true, unless you:

1- Are willing to do your homework on this sector. If you don’t believe in the commodity thesis, there’s no point in buying any of these stocks.

I suggest you start by watching this masterpiece by Kuppy and Mike Alkin here:

Kuppy and Mike Alkin “Uranium” Interview at the 2023 World Nuclear Association Symposium

2- Are going to only buy names that fit within your investor profile. You mentioned you like cheap goldies. You’re going to have to define what is cheap in the uranium space - take your time. Comb through the 100+ companies out there right now, and don’t betray your own strategy.

3- Spend time in keeping up with your companies. Extra warning if they’re a discovery play. As you know from investing in gold, a stock can collapse double digits within minutes if they hit dusters. You must be able to check the stock before market open every day for news.

Hope this helps!

Happy speculating

The Editor

DISCLAIMER: None of this is financial advice. This newsletter is strictly educational/entertainment and is not investment advice or solicitation to buy or sell any assets or to make any financial decisions. Please be careful and do your own research.


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